Saturday, January 22, 2011

Teddy Bears Go Blogging

The Teddy Bears Go Blogging article was very interesting.  I am familiar with the Teddy Bear Project because my children participated in a similar project at school in second grade.  I thought that it was very creative and innovative for the author, Brenda Sherry to use a blog instead of email.  She mentioned that the Teddy Bear Project was designed to incorporate the use of the internet, global participation and collaboration.  The article was written in 2006.  This was a time when blogs were a relatively new thing on the internet, so this was probably very exciting for the students, the teachers and the parents to learn how to blog.
As mentioned, an important aspect of the project was global participation.  It is extremely important for students to become familiar with different cultures.  This project is an excellent way for students to learn about a different part of the world on a first hand basis.  Brenda Sherry explained that blogging had the advantage of reaching out to a wider audience.  She mentioned that parents and relatives began to read and comment on the blogs.  This was exciting to me because this meant that even more people were able to learn about different cultures.   

1 comment:

  1. Yes, and as you point out, this is an interesting home-school connection as well.
